Stacy Salazar Las Vegas

Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas: Athletic Achievement Award Winner

Stacy Salazar on High School

Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas is a sales representative a major telecommunications firm. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas is one of the top sellers in a major telecommunications firm’s West Coast Region. She is also one of their youngest, which has given her a high-level of respectability in her region. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas loves her job as a sales representative. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas believes she will stay with her firm for the rest of her career. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas believes anyone property motivated can become a success at sales.

Stacy Salazar Las Vegas

Stacy Salazar Las Vegas

She got her own start in sales in high school. In high school, Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas was incredibly gifted academically. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas graduated high school in the top twenty five percent of her class. Stacy Salazar was also a dedicated athlete in high school. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas was best know for her talent in track and field. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas sees both her academic and athletic devotion to contributing towards her success as a telecommunications sales representative.

Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas says the goal to making it through high school is to remember not to rush through it. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas says that high school is a marathon and not a sprint, and it is important to pace yourself. This can be best achieved through good organization and goal setting. It is also important to be active. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas learned a lot about hard work and met a lot of people while she did track after school. Most important can be prioritization. Stacy Salazar of Las Vegas says that it is important to put your goals forward, but not so much that you get burnt out. Also, remember to take free time and enjoy high school, as well.

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